Noble Events
For our 2021 events, see the information and links below. Please check back often as more events are added on a rolling basis!


We are happy to report that our very own NOBLE Chicago Metropolitan Chapter member, Chief Mitchell Davis of Hazel Crest has been elected 2nd Vice President of the NOBLE National Executive Board and will ascend to the position of National President of NOBLE in Aug of 2026. CONGRATULATIONS Chief Davis!!! All your hard work and perseverance has paid off.
Every day, families face the emotional and economic toll of having a child in the hospital. Ronald McDonald House Charities provides housing to keep families together, and provides a comfortable, warm, and loving home away from home. NOBLE partnered with RMHC-University of Chicago Comers and provided 30 hot meals for those families in need.
NOBLE Chicago Metro was proud to partner with Illinois Department of Transportation and Illinois State Police for a public service announcement heading into Memorial Day weekend. A strong message was sent during a time that people are hitting the road and every day after. This PSA was made possible due to a grant from State Farm / AAA.