Our chapter strongly believes in mentoring our youth and doing our part to prepare them for life’s challenges and setting them up for success.

We are very proud of our NOBLE Chicago Youth Ambassadors Mentoring Program, a program which develops our youth leadership skills and engages them in civic involvement. But we also support many mentorship programs of other organizations and entities financially and/or by providing members as mentors and facilitators to that very end.
- NOBLE Chicago Youth Ambassadors Mentoring Program
- NOBLE Chicago Metropolitan Chapter Teen Safe Driving Program
- Chicago Police Athletic League Mentorship Program
- Fernwood Park Mentorship Program
- 2015 Father-Daughter Dance
- Peace in the Park After Dark
- CPD/Kennedy King College Anti-Violence Summer Program
- Prom with a Purpose
- Ray McElroy Pro Football Youth Camp
In addition to providing mentors, we hope to keep these young people involved in the civic discourse and dialogue as well as thinking of themselves as agents of change. Our mentors and program are deeply rooted in the values of NOBLE, which means that this program is of the highest standards.
In addition to having a mentor, other benefits to your child of being part of this program include the following:
- Exposure to public officials, civic and community figures, corporate partners and supporters, among others, to keep them engaged and to demonstrate the mechanism of civic involvement
- Being the chapter’s “youth voice” at community-police relations events
- Providing input in regards to the chapter’s organizing of events and programming for the youth
- Contributing and editing content to the chapter’s social media outlets
- Receiving “community service” hours for their involvement with NOBLE to fulfill their graduation requirements
Being part of this program has formative and career-building benefits that your child will be able to draw from and build upon throughout the program. We would be thrilled to count your child among our “Ambassadors” and hope that you will, too.
We look forward to working with your child and hope that your family will be part of our events and efforts. If you would like more information about NOBLE and more specifically our chapter, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Ladner at